Happy Birthday, Mom.

Real shagged out today. Booked out from camp with only 4 hours of sleep? Had to go straight to cohesion (it was decent though, played some football, which has been long) all the way at Yishun.

Got home, washed up, after what seems like a terribly warm and humid day, read my book and got a quick nap before heading out with mumsies for her birthday dinner. It was a small one, nothing big, but we managed to have plenty of meaningful conversations, which made me really happy. So glad she’s still as youthful as ever.

Applied for ‘The Travel Intern”, as an intern, from July to December this year. Big hopes on that one honestly. It would be an absolute banger to be able to that – travelling the world, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures, and being able to document and share them with others! Amazing. Prayers!!

Note to self: Have got to start settling my Europe trip stuff asap!! Trip’s in less than a months time! 😯

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